Thursday, March 18, 2010

A confession

It pains me to say this, but I've not been playing the lottery in recent days. I'm afraid I've let less important pursuits like work, family and home take up my time. I will even confess to finding a kind of peace. But, like so many things in life, this peace never reached the absolute, nor, I felt deep down, could it. I was left wondering, "Should I rest here? Cherish what contentment I'd earned through my various choices and toil?" The answer has been building for some time ever since I turned my vigilance from that most important goal. Today, dear readers, it erupts forth splendid and awful. My need lays it's self bare and I once more go about my task with the utmost dedication. YES! I will win the lottery. This will happen! Stand aside life for I have a destiny!

Also, I did not win the lottery today.

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